Providers and Information

How to Plan for the Possibility of Getting Sick with Coronavirus

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Creating a plan of action is the best defense against the latest epidemic that the World Health Organization has claimed as a pandemic. People need to stop panicking to take the steps necessary to defeat this virus. Creating an individual household plan of action can help curb the spread of COVID-19, commonly known as Coronavirus. 

People Who Feel Sick Should Remain at Home 

The good news is that healthy individuals are only showing mild cases of the disease. An elderly adult or those who have medical conditions are more at risk of complications from the outbreak. Most of the patients who have contracted the disease are showing minor flu-like symptoms. 
There is no need to worry about losing your job with the virus or showing common symptoms of the flu. Employers are very understanding about this virus that the medical community wants to keep under control. Recommendations include staying away from others in the public sector when you feel flu-like symptoms. This means no school for the children, no work for those who are sick, and remaining at home until the symptoms are over. 
If symptoms of a flu-like illness happen, the CDC recommends people call their doctor for recommendations on what to do. They would rather anyone infected stay away from medical facilities to slow down the rate of infections.  

Get Your Household Ready 

Many things can be done for preparing your home. All families should stock up now on plenty of medications and groceries to last for 7-10 days in case they develop the virus symptoms. Families will need these supplies in case they become infected. 
Forget about purchasing face masks. They can’t keep the virus from affecting you. The masks only help others from becoming infected by you. Hand sanitizers are effective only when they contain at least 60 percent alcohol. Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water can be a deterrent for the virus. 
Stay informed about the latest updates on the epidemic from news-related sources. Avoid shaking hands with others in public. Try to stay away from people who have a cough or flu-like symptoms. Make sure you stay informed about any closings around your area. 
Making smart decisions about planning for the coronavirus can help keep your family safe. The worst thing you would have done is supplied your medicine cabinet for the medication you will need next year. 

How to Plan for the Possibility of Self-Quarantine Without Symptoms

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With an increase in cases of COVID-19, many people are concerned about contracting or spreading the disease. Health officials often ask those who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive to the disease to self-quarantine as a precautionary measure. Planning ahead for the possibility of self-quarantine will ease the stress of staying indoors and limiting contact with others for 14 days. If you are asymptomatic but may have to self-quarantine, here are a few things to do to get ready. 
There is a difference between isolation and quarantine. Those who are sick must be isolated to prevent spreading the disease. In contrast, precautionary quarantine means staying in your home for the recommended 14 days to see if you develop symptoms. During that time, health officials recommend self-monitoring, including being aware of symptoms developing and taking your temperature twice a day.  
Check your pantry and refrigerator to make sure you have enough food. Many delivery services have implemented options to leave goods at your door without making contact with occupants. If you live alone, ask a friend or relative to be available for errands if you need help during the quarantine period.  
Think about your daily routine. If you take medication, do you have enough? If you don’t have a washing machine, do you have enough clean clothing to last for 14 days? Do you have drinking water? Make a list of contacts, including delivery services, friends, relatives, neighbors, health care providers, teachers and community outreach services.  
If you have a maid or other in-home help, consider whether to allow the person to continue working with limited contact or whether to ask them to stay away. If you need a caretaker’s help, use precautionary measures. This may include wearing a mask when in contact with the person, washing your hands frequently and cleaning surfaces and objects with disinfectant.  
If you work, arrange with your employer to work from home. Many companies have already asked employees to do that to minimize the risk of spreading the disease. Discuss sick leave options with your employer, and confirm how you will communicate and provide deliverables during your quarantine. If you are a student, contact your school to discuss how to keep up with classwork and submit assignments. 
If you develop symptoms during the 14 days, contact your local health department and your primary care provider. 

Facts and Information about Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Most patients with a diagnosis of breast cancer have likely had the cancerous mass for 5 to 10 years before the diagnosis. Cancers can be easily felt in the breast when they reach a size of approximately 1 cm. A lump of this size contains approximately one billion cells, which is the result of 30 doublings of a single cancer cell. Assuming that a breast lump grows with a doubling time of 100 days, it would take approximately 10 years to reach a point where it could be felt.

Breast cancer in males occurs less at about 1/100 th that of females. Breast cancer may metastasize to almost any organ in the body if not stopped. The most common sites are skin around a lumpectomy or mastectomy scar, scalp, lymph nodes, bone, lung, liver, and brain. Alternative/complementary medicine for breast cancer may help build the immune system and fight any progression of the cancer.

Types of breast cancers

Breast tumors can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

•          Inflammatory breast cancer is characterized by a diffused inflammation and enlargement of the breast, sometimes without a mass.

•          Ductal carcinoma in situ is the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer. These cancer cells are found within the milk ducts but have not yet spread into the breast tissue.

•          Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type of invasive breast cancer and is responsible for approximately 80% of all cancers. These type cancer cells are found in both the milk ducts and the breast tissue. Invasive ductal carcinoma may spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body if not stopped.

•          Invasive lobular carcinoma is responsible for approximately 10 to 15% of all breast cancers. These type cancer cells first grow in the lobes of the breast and have the ability to spread to other parts of the breast and also to other parts of the body.


Most breast cancers are discovered as a lump by the female herself. Some females may have a history of pain with no mass; however, this presentation is less common. There also may be breast enlargement, a thickening in the breast tissue, or nipple dimpling, nipple discharge, nipple erosion or ulceration, lymph node enlargement around the breast area or under the arms. The presence of pain should not lead to a false security that it is not cancer. Approximately 10% of patients may present with breast pain and no mass.


The risk for breast cancer increases with age. Worldwide breast cancer tendency rates appear to correspond with variations in diet, especially a high fat intake diet and high alcohol intake. The BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes are inherited genes and account for only about 3% of breast cancers. If a woman has already had cancer in one breast, she should be aware that she has an increased risk for getting cancer in the other breast. Women with early periods (menarche), late menopause, and late first pregnancy are at increased risk. Women how have been exposed to radiation at an early age are at higher risk.

Various chemicals such as arsenic, aflatoxin, vinyle chloride, and benzene show definite evidence of causing human cancers. Other human carcinogens based on evidence from animal experiments are chloroform, dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorethane (DDT), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and formaldehyde.

Breast Cancer Glossary

•          Axillary:under the arm area.

•          Benign:not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous.

•          Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to determine if cancer cells are present.

•          Carcinogens: any substance that has the ability to cause cancer.

•          Carcinogenic: any substance that causes cancer.

•          Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.

•          Extended radical mastectomy: radical mastectomy with removal of the ipsilateral half of the sternum, a portion of the ribs, and the internal mammary lymph nodes.

•          Ipsilateral: pertaining to the same side as the affected breast.

•          Lumpectomy: a surgical excision or removal of only the palpable lesion or mass in the breast.

•          Malignancy: a cancerous growth which has the tendency to progress.

•          Mastectomy: removal of the breast.

•          Menarche: the beginning of a female’s monthly cycle.

•          Menopause: the ending of a female’s monthly cycle occurring usually around the age of 50.

•          Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.

•          Modified radical mastectomy: a total mastectomy with axillary node removal but leaving the pectoral muscle.

•          Palpable: being able to touch or feel the lump.

•          Radiation: a treatment for disease using high-frequency ionizing radiation.

•          Tumor: a growth of tissue in which the division of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.

Facts and Information about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, sometimes called ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is known to be a rapidly progressive disease that involves the body’s motor neurons. Neurons are a type of conducting cells of the nervous system. When these cells are “ailing” it affects the upper and lower motor neurons and causes the cells to degenerate or often times die. This keeps the cells from being able to send messages to our brain to start and control voluntary movement of our muscles. When the muscles are unable to function they become weak, start twitching and eventually waste away. If the muscles in the diaphragm and chest area become affected, gradually the ability to breath may occur and there will be a need for breathing support to be used.

ALS most commonly strikes adults between the ages of 40 and 60 years old. It is estimated more than 5,000 people in the United States are diagnosed each year with ALS. These numbers are growing and are becoming alarming. Although it is said ALS is incurable, more and more people are finding that their symptoms can possibly be reversed by using alternative methods.

ALS affects only the motor neurons and not a person’s mind or their ability to think. Often times this brings about depression because they may not be able to accomplish the same physical things they once could. An ALS person is still the same person they were before their diagnosis but usually become of greater character because of their challenges.

There are many studies being conducted in the United States but none are proving to be effective as of today. ALS is a very difficult disease to diagnose and sometimes can be miss-diagnosed. ALS research is going in many directions and is not just limited to pharmaceutical drugs. Also, infectious diseases such as HIV, human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV), and Lyme disease can cause ALS type symptoms. Toxic metals and chemicals can cause neurological disorders. Alternative medicine is proving that symptoms can be reversed and patients can regain normal lives.

Symptoms of ALS

True ALS symptoms can be very gradual and frequently overlooked. Other “diagnosed” ALS patients have had symptoms to appear very rapidly.

•          The earliest symptoms can be weakness, twitching, stiffness, or cramping of muscles.

•          Most of these muscle symptoms will start in an arm or a leg.

•          Stumbling or tripping more than usual.

•          Muscle twitches that can be seen under the skin (fasciculations)

•          Difficulties with speech.

•          Difficulty with chewing and swallowing (dysphagia)

•          Overactive gag reflex

•          Difficulty forming words (dysarthria).

•          Slurred speech and a nasally sounding speech.

•          An awkward feeling when walking or running

•          Unsteadiness

•          Spasticity or stiffness and tight muscles.

•          Abnormal reflexes (hyperreflexia)

•          Foot drop

•          Muscles began to atrophy

•          Breathing difficulties

•          Periods of laughter or periods of crying and not understanding why

•          Depression

•          A positive Babinski’s sign

How is ALS diagnosed?

A patient’s clinical history is the first suspect of ALS. As the patient’s symptoms progress and involves several areas of the body, it is possible to make the first diagnosis based on the way the patient looks and his or her findings on the neurological examination.

There are several types of test that should also be used to diagnose ALS.

•          CT scan (Computerized tomographic scanning)

•          MRI (Magnetic imaging

•          Blood test

•          EMG (Electromyography)

New ALS Treatments

Traditional treatments treat ALS as a universal disease, “one size fits all”. The problems can be a symptom of something else going on in the body. While traditional treatment can deal with the symptoms, those treatments do not focus on the cause. Something has happened to the body to cause the neurons not to fire like they should. If only 5 to 10 percent of ALS is inherited, shouldn’t we consider where the other 90 to 95 percent of ALS comes from?

Glossary for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s Disease):

•          Atrophy- the wasting away in the size of a cell, tissue,organ, or part.

•          Babinski’s sign- a test performed by stimulating the sole of the foot in a certain way. A positive Babinski’s sign is when the patient’s big toe extends upward.

•          Dysphagia- difficulty in swallowing.

•          Dysphasia- impairment of speech, consisting in lack of coordination.

•          Dysarthria- not being able to articulate speech due to the disturbances of muscle control.

•          Fasciculations- small local contractions of muscles which can be seen visibly through the skin.

•          Hyperreflexia- response to stimuli characterized by exaggeration of reflexes.

•          Neuron- conducting cells of the nervous system which has many purposes such as sending impulses to the brain.

•          Reflexes- the reflected action or movement. The sum total of any involuntary action or movement.

•          Spasticity- when the muscles are stiff and the actions are awkward characterized by spasms.

Facts and Information about Cervical Cancer

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Cervical cancer develops in the lining of the cervix which is in the lower part of the uterus (womb). The cervix unites the body of the uterus to the vagina. Cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer of the female reproductive tract and usually affects women in their 40s to 55 years of age.

Cervical cancers are not known to form suddenly but over time. Normal cervical cells gradually develop into precancerous cells which in turn may develop into cancerous cells. It is important for women to get routine pap smears and check-ups with their physician. If these precancerous cells are caught early, almost all cancers can be prevented and/or treated.

Types of cervical cancers

There are 3 main types of cervical cancers:

1.         Squamous cell carcinoma typically presents as an ulcerated lesion. It is felt that squamous cancers develop from preexisting dysplastic lesions.

2.         Adenocarcinoma of the cervix accounts for 5 to 20% of cervical cancers and usually presents as an enlarged barrel-shaped cervix. It has been observed that adenocarcinomas are becoming more common in women who were born in the last 20 to 30 years.

3.         Adenosquamous carcinomas are cervical cancers which have both features of squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas and are less common.


Early cervical cancer is sometimes painless and may not produce symptoms. The first sign may be an abnormal pap smear. Other symptoms may include:

•          Abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting

•          Bleeding after intercourse

•          Vaginal discharge

•          Low back pain

•          Pelvic pain

•          Dyspareunia or painful sexual intercourse

•          Dysuria or painful urination


The cause of cervical cancer is unknown however it is felt there are many risk factors.

Human papillomavirus virus (HPV) is the most important risk factor to speak of. Normally, a female will develop this virus before she develops cervical cancer. There are over a 100 different types of papillomaviruses. Some of these viruses may cause warts while others may cause cervical cancer. Many times a woman with a good immune system is successful in fighting off the virus and does not develop cervical cancer.

A common vaginal infection known as Chlamydia puts a woman at greater risk for cervical cancer. Long term infection without treatment may also cause infertility.

Certain dietary patterns such as low intake of fruits and vegetables may also be a risk factor for cervical cancer. Research shows that overweight women are more likely to develop cervical cancer along with other types of cancers such as breast cancer.

Women who have had many full-term pregnancies also have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

There is evidence that long term use of oral contraceptive for 5 or more years may increase the chances of cervical cancer.

Women who smoke are about twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop many different types of cancers. This is especially true for cervical cancers. Tobacco by-products have been found in the cervical mucus.

Cervical carcinoma is more common in women of low socioeconomic status.

Other risk factors include history of multiple sexual partners and intercourse starting at a young age. Cervical cancer seems to be rare in sexually inactive women.

Cervical Cancer Glossary

•          Benign:not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous.

•          Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to determine if cancer cells are present.

•          Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.

•          Chlamydia: a bacterial infection spread by sexual contact which can infect the female reproductive tract.

•          Dysplasia: abnormal cells found on a pap smear report which shows alteration in size, shape, and organization of adult cervical cells.

•          Dyspareunia: difficult or painful intercourse.

•          Dysuria: painful or difficult urination.

•          Precancerous cells: cells which tend to become cancerous cells; a pathologic process that eventually tends to become malignant.

Facts and Information about Stomach Cancer

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A significant amount of gastric or stomach abnormal growths include both benign and cancerous lesions. Several types of malignant cancers begin in the stomach, but the majorities are primary cancers which developed in the mucosal glands.

Among the types of stomach cancers, carcinomas can be grouped according to the total appearance:

1.         Protruding

2.         Penetrating

3.         Spreading

The Stomach

The stomach is a musculo-membranous structure joined by the esophagus and the duodenum or small intestines. The stomach is shaped like the letter J and it serves as a food reservoir and an initiator of the digestive process. The food is held in the stomach temporarily until the stomach lining secretes gastric juices which act on the food to break it down chemically.


In the early stages of this cancer, there may not be any specific symptoms. Early stomach cancer can have very mild symptoms that may appear as simple indigestion. Other symptoms may include:

•          Feeling of being full after eating only a small amount of food

•          Heartburn

•          Unexplained weight loss

•          Vomiting

•          Difficulty swallowing

•          Pain in the abdomen

•          Dark bowel movements or blood in the stool

•          No appetite

•          Difficulty swallowing

Stomach Cancer Glossary

•          Benign: not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous

•          Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to determine if cancer cells are present.

•          Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.

•          Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.

•          Penetrating: the tumor has a sharp well described boarder and may be ulcerated.

•          Protruding: the tumor goes forward, into, laterally

•          Radiation: a treatment for disease using high-frequency ionizing radiation.

•          Spreading: the tumor can go either superficially along the mucosa or infiltrating within the wall.

•          Tumor: a growth of tissue in which the division of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.

Facts and Information about Bladder Cancer

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Bladder cancer is the most frequent malignant tumor of the urinary tract and usually occurs most commonly in the fifth through seventh decade. Bladder cancer usually forms in the urinary bladder from the cells that divide and grow in an uncontrolled way, causing a tumor on or within the bladder. Most bladder cancers are found on the trigone, posterior (back), and lateral (side) walls of the bladder.

Types of bladder cancers

It is believed that it takes many years for gradual change in bladder cells to produce a bladder cancer.

There are several different types of bladder cancers. Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common type and is approximately 90% of all bladder cancers. Other types of bladder cancers include squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas.

Transitional cell carcinoma starts in the layer of cells that form the lining of the bladder and may present as a superficial, well-differentiated papillary tumor. Transitional cell carcinoma may also present as a highly invasive, poorly differentiated neoplasm. Squamous cell carcinoma is seen less frequently and may be associated with chronic irritation or parasitic infestation. Adenocarcinoma may occur as a primary bladder tumor, but spread from a bowel cancer.

You can also learn about available bladder cancer treatments.


Early symptoms may be painless.

•          Hematuria- blood in the urine.

•          Pyuria- pus in the urine.

•          Dysuria- Painful or difficult urination.

•          Burning

•          Frequency

•          Pain may occur with invasion, infection, or fixation of tumor onto the bladder.


The definite causes of bladder cancer are not always clear. The American Cancer Society Textbook of Clinical Oncology, 2nd Edition, page 318 states;

“Aniline dye used in the textile, rubber, and cable industries is an etiologic factor. There is a long latency period (6 to 20 years) from exposure until tumor transformation in humans. Beta-naphthylamine, 4-amino-diphenyl, and cigarette smoking is associated with a six-fold higher incidence of bladder tumor.”

Bladder Cancer Glossary

•          Benign:not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous.

•          Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to determine if cancer cells are present.

•          Bladder: a musculomembranous sac that serves as a reservoir for urine.

•          Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.

•          Cystectomy: a resection (removal) of the bladder.

•          Cystoscope: a “telescope like” instrument used for visual examination to inspect the bladder.

•          Cystoscopy: A procedure which allows direct visual examination of the bladder using a cystoscope.

•          Frequency: the need to urinate more often than which is considered normal.

•          Invasive: involving puncture or growth of the bladder tumor into the bladder wall or elsewhere.

•          Malignancy: a cancerous growth which has the tendency to progress.

•          Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.

•          Radiation: a treatment for disease using high-frequency ionizing radiation.

•          Transurethral resection (TUR): a procedure performed with an instrument passed through the urethra in order to remove abnormal tissue.

•          Tumor: a growth of tissue in which the division of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.

Facts and Information about Liver Cancer

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The American Cancer Society states the estimated number of 17,550 new cases of liver cancer that will be diagnosed in the United States in the year 2005. Also stated is the number 15,420 people that will die of liver cancer in the year 2005.

Primary liver cancer is a cancer which starts in the liver. Secondary or metastatic cancer is when cancer of another organ has spread to the liver.

Types of liver cancer

The liver is the largest internal organ of the body (the skin is actually the largest organ). The liver ways approximately 1500 grams and is surrounded by a fibrous capsule. It is a large gland of a dark-red color located in the upper part of the abdomen, protected by the rib cage, and is divided into sections called lobes. This helps understand the types of liver cancer.

The liver’s functions include the storage and filtration of blood, the secretion of bile, the excretion of bilirubin and other substances formed elsewhere in the body. The liver also performs numerous metabolic functions, including the uptake, storage and disposal of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, hormones, drugs, and toxins. It also destroys harmful substances such as alcohol, and helps the body to rid itself of waste products.

The liver is connected to the small intestines by the bile duct which is a small tube. The bile duct allows the bile produced by the liver to flow to the intestines. When the bile duct becomes clogged, the patient may become jaundiced.

Tumors of the liver may be benign or malignant. The most common primary malignant liver tumor is hepatocellular carcinoma.


In the early stages of liver cancer there are often no symptoms. Other symptoms of liver cancer may include:

•          Loss of appetite

•          Weight loss

•          Weakness

•          Nausea

•          Jaundice

•          A vague discomfort in the upper abdomen.

•          Ascites

•          Pain in the right shoulder

•          Fever

•          Abdominal swelling

•          Elevated liver enzymes


A number of factors are associated with the etiology of hepatocellular cancer. Risk factors include:

•          Hepatitis B

•          Gender

•          Aflatoxin contaminated food

•          Alcohol-induced cirrhosis

•          Certain drugs such as anabolic steroids, Thorotrast, and immunosuppressive agents.

•          Aromatic amines

•          Pesticides

•          Chlorinated hydrocarbons

•          Tobacco use

•          Arsenic

•          Oral Contraceptives

Facts and Information about Pancreatic Cancer

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Pancreatic cancer is known to be one of the most serious of all cancers. Cancers of the exocrine pancreas is the second most common malignancy and the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimated an astounding number of 31,860 Americans diagnosed for the year 2004. It is sad to say that in our advanced age of medicine almost the same number of patients will die this year as the number of newly diagnosed patients. This is one reason it is so important to start considering alternative methods to increase the immune system at the same time of doing an anti-tumor program.

Pancreatic cancer normally appears at the age of 55 to 65 years of age and occurs 1 1/2 to 2 times more often in men.


•          Pancreatic cancer metastases rapidly and is seldom diagnosed early because the patient’s symptoms are not always noticed.

•          Often times the onset of symptoms are gradual and the patient’s doctor may interpret the symptoms as another diagnosis.

•          Symptom Triad: 

1.         Weight loss is usually gradual and progressive.

2.         Abdominal pain is usually described as a steady “boring” midepigastric pain that is usually worse at night.

3.         Jaundice may present late and can be progressive or spontaneous fluctuations.


* Diets high in fat have been associated with development of pancreatic cancer. Other considerations include ingestion of meat and total caloric intake from fried foods, dairy products and seafood.

* There have been a number of studies that suggests diabetics have a greater chance of developing pancreatic cancer.

* It is unusual to find pancreatic cancer in a patient younger than 40 years of age. The risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases with age.

* Studies have proven that pancreatic cancer is more common in the African-American population.

* Cigarette smoking is one of the biggest risk factors due to cigarettes containing a large number of carcinogens.

* Cancer of the pancreas is more common in men than women.

* Chronic pancreatitis has been linked to pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer Glossary

•          Benign: not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous

•          Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to denameine if cancer cells are present.

•          CA 19-9: a tumor marker for pancreatic cancer found in the patient’s blood.

•          Carcinogens: any substance that has the ability to cause cancer.

•          Carcinogenic: any substance that causes cancer.

•          Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.

•          Malignancy: a cancerous growth which has the tendency to progress.

•          Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.

•          Radiation: a treatment of disease using high-frequency ionizing radiation.

•          Tumor: a growth of tissue in which the division of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.

Facts and Information about Lung Cancer

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In the United States, lung cancer is presently the leading cause of death from cancer in both men and women. Normally lung cancer starts out in the cells lining the bronchi. Lung cells usually reproduce to maintain healthy lung tissue and repair old, aged, damaged cells. If for some reason the growth mechanism is off, the cell growth can become too much and the cells can divide too fast. This process can continue and grow in an uncontrolled way causing a tumor.

Carcinoma of the lung has the ability to metastasize early. Common sites of metastasis include brain, bone, the other lung, liver, adrenals, lymph nodes, and skin.

Metastasis to the lungs is commonly from cancer that originated from the breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, stomach, rectum, cervix, testis, bone and from melanoma.

It is very important to try to contain the rate of cancer cell growth. It can also be important to build the body’s immune system while doing an anti-tumor program. The more you build your body’s system, the greater strength the body has to help you fight off the cancer.

Lung Anatomy

The lungs are considered the organs of respiration. The lungs occupy both sides of the chest cavity inside the rib cage. The right lung has three lobes and the left lung has two lobes. The bottom of each lung extends down to the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the major breathing muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity.

Types of lung cancers

There are many different types of lung cancers but two main histological types. These two types are:

1.         Non-small cell lung cancer which has three subtypes:

o          Squamous cell frequently originating in the larger bronchi and sometimes spreading by extension and lymph node metastasis.

o          Adenocarcinoma of the lung commonly peripheral and found in the mucus glands. This type usually spreads through the blood stream.

o          Large cell carcinoma is usually found near the surface of the lung.

2.         Small cell lung cancer tends to be more aggressive and spreads quickly. This type is also highly associated with smoking.


The most frequent signs and symptoms are:

•          Cough is the most common symptom of lung cancer.

•          Hemoptysis or coughing up blood.

•          Dyspnea or difficulty in breathing. Dyspnea is greatly associated with cigarette smoking and emphysema.

•          Wheezing can occur with partial blockage or obstruction.

•          Pneumonia

•          Chest, shoulder, or arm pain

•          Weight loss

•          Bone pain

•          Hoarseness

•          Headaches or seizures

•          Swelling of the face

•          Pleural effusion is when there is some fluid in the lung or lungs.


It is believed that cigarette smoking is the number one reason for lung cancers. Smoking is the most preventable cause of death. The more cigarettes smoked in a day and the younger the age of starting to smoke, the greater the risk of lung cancer. The major chemicals in cigarettes other than nicotine are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS), nicotine by-products, metals such as cadmium and nickel, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), and radioactive polonium 210 (210Po). Elements of cigarette vapor include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, and toluene.

New studies are showing that alcoholism is associated with significant immune suppression. The correlation is shown by changes in the interferon system and by the altered activity of the natural killer cells.

Lung cancer can develop in regions of scar areas such as scars from tuberculosis. This type of lung cancer diagnosis is often difficult to make.

Exposure to certain industrial substances such as arsenic, some organic chemicals, occupational or environmental exposures to radon and asbestos, is also considered great risk factors.

More risk factors include radiation exposure from occupational, medical, and environmental sources.

Air pollution is becoming more and more a risk factor. Some possible air pollutants are diesel exhaust, tar and pitch, arsenic, dioxin, cadmium, chromium, and nickel compounds.

A diet low in fruit and vegetables is linked to an increase in lung cancer. Studies show a positive correlation between the intake of cholesterol and dietary fat and lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Glossary

•          Adenocarcinoma: a type of cancer cell derived from glandular tissue or in which the tumor cells form recognizable glandular structures.

•          Atelectasis: the collapse of a lung

•          Benign:not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous.

•          Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to determine if cancer cells are present.

•          Bronchi: the large airway that runs from the trachea to the lungs.

•          Bronchioles: the smaller air passages that lead from the bronchi further into the lung tissue.

•          Bronchoscope: an instrument for inspecting the interior of the lungs and allows a way to get specimens for culture or biopsy.

•          Bronchoscopy: examination of the bronchi through the use of a bronchoscope.

•          Carcinogens: any substance that has the ability to cause cancer.

•          Carcinogenic: any substance that causes cancer.

•          Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.

•          Dyspnea: difficulty in breathing.

•          Hemoptysis: the coughing or spitting up of blood.

•          Malignancy: a cancerous growth which has the tendency to progress.

•          Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.

•          Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.

•          Radiation: a treatment for disease using high-frequency ionizing radiation.

•          Trachea: the windpipe connecting the larynx and the bronchi.

•          Tumor: a growth of tissue in which the division of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.

Facts and Information about Colon Cancer

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The diagnosis of colon or colorectal cancer accounts for more newly cancer diagnoses in the United States each year. Cancer of the colon and rectum is the most frequent cause of cancer deaths among visceral malignancies that affect both male and female. This type cancer is the second leading cancer death rate, lung being first. There was an estimated 146,940 new diagnosed cases in 2004 in the U.S. Many of the new cases and deaths are preventable by improvements in nutrition, physical activity and regular check ups. When colorectal cancer is detected early, survival rates are much higher. If the patient works with a team to rebuild their immune system, survival rates are ever higher.

Colorectal cancers include the colon, rectum, appendix and anus. Colorectal cancers may occur anywhere in the large intestines but usually occur in the right ascending colon.

The colon is the part of the large intestines which extends from the cecum to the rectum. It can be described as a long coiling, looping tube-like organ that removes water from digested food and solid waste material called feces or stool. The average colon is approximately 6 feet long.

Cancer of the colon and rectum possibly can spread by:

  1. Extension through the bowel wall
  2. Distribution by the circulation or through the blood stream (hematogenous).
  3. Regional lymph node metastases
  4. Surrounding nerve or nerves ( perineural).
  5. Within the wall of a nearby organ (intramural).


Early diagnosis depends on routine examination. Adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum is believed to grow slowly and at a long time span before it is large enough to produce symptoms. Cells may change from a precancerous state or benign polyp to a cancerous state. Colon cancer symptoms may include:

  • Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool
  • The stool may be streaked or mixed with blood
  • A change in bowel habits
  • Diarrhea, constipation or narrowing of the stool as if becoming more like a ribbon shape
  • Feeling of fullness or that you can not empty completely
  • Feeling of tired or weakness
  • Paleness
  • Repeated infections
  • Anemia
  • Gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, abdominal pain.
  • Pain can be absent until perirectal tissue is involved.
  • A yellowish color of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Weight loss for no known reason
  • Loss of appetite


The exact reason why some people get colorectal cancer is not always known, however studies have shown that there are certain factors that may play a large role in breaking down the immune system. When our immune system can not fight off the problems that can arise, disease states can set in. Known predisposing conditions for colorectal cancer include:

  • A history of having multiple colon polyps.
  • A history of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Diet low in fiber and high in animal protein and refined carbohydrates.
  • Physical inactivity of less than 3-4 hours per week
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption of more than 1 drink a day
  • Age- The incidence of colorectal cancer increases with age starting around the age of 50. This disease affects both male and female.

Recommendations for Prevention

  • Eat plenty of fiber and vegetables daily
  • Adopt a physically active lifestyle
  • Find happiness! Do not wait for it to come to you.
  • Maintain a good weight for you and your bone frame.
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Try to stop smoking and have the goal to stop smoking.
  • Get routine physical check ups from your doctor.

Diagnostic Tests

  • Fecal Occult Blood Test
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
  • Barium Enema
  • Colonoscopy
  • Complete Blood Test (CBC) to check for anemia and assess liver function

Colon Colon Glossary

  • Barium Enema: An x-ray of the colon and rectum using a suspension of barium given as an enema into the intestine as a contrast agent for radiologic examination. The barium outlines the intestines on the x-rays which allows abnormal growths to be seen.
  • Benign: not malignant; not recurrent; not cancerous.
  • Biopsy: the removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the living body to determine if cancer cells are present.
  • Chemotherapy: a treatment for disease by using chemical agents.
  • Colonoscope: an elongated flexible instrument with a light that is built in which permits visual examination of the entire colon and rectum.
  • Colonoscopy: an examination in which the doctor uses a colonscope to examine the colon and rectal areas. This procedure allows the doctor to take biopsies or remove polyps.
  • Fecal Occult Blood Test: A test to check for hidden blood in the stool. These tests can be bought at your local pharmacies now so you can check at home. You can also request a test from your doctor and can take it home and return it the next day for your doctor to check it.
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: >A procedure in which the doctor uses an instrument with a light and camera on the end of the tube which is very flexible. This procedure allows the doctor to inspect the lower colon and rectal areas.
  • Metastatic: the transfer of a cancer from one organ to another.
  • Polyp: a protruding growth, often precancerous.
  • Radiation: a treatment for disease using high-frequency ionizing radiation.
  • Sigmoidoscope: a rigid or flexible lighted instrument with a camera that allows the doctor to view the lining of the rectum and lower colon areas.
  • Tumor: a growth of tissue in which the division of cells is uncontrolled and progressive.

Basic Concepts and Categories of Personal Health

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We understand that there is a great deal of confusion associated with health and wellness. Unlimited varying opinions from nutritionists, doctors and other health experts can often cloud one’s judgement and learning capabilities. We have gone to some lengths to create a message that could be easily understood. With this in mind, we cover a wide variety of topics such as disease, nutrition, social issues, and weight loss to help you understand these concepts within the overall context of your personal health.



What you eat is probably the most important aspect of your health and wellness. Your nutrition is responsible for feeding the trillions of cells of your body in order that they may grow, reproduce and flourish as they were intended to do. When you fail to provide adequate nutrition, the body systems start to malfunction and breakdown.


Personal Growth

The world is constantly evolving. As things continue to change so must we if we desire to be on the winning side. The consistent and constant search for personal enhancement is the infrastructure of any successful person’s life. The largest room that you will ever be in is the room for improvement. It is not only your physical state of health that determines your level of health and wellness but it is your mental state as well.



The word disease has scared more people than the famed folklore character known as the “boogeyman.” Just mention this word in a conversation and look at the fear in the eyes of others around you. When you dissect the word disease you notice that it is simply a dis-ease within the body. In other words, the body is not at ease. In order to fix the situation you simply have to learn what it takes to help the body to become at ease again. Learning about diseases and what you can do to prevent and in many cases heal from them will prove to beneficial for anyone in the long run.



There is an adage that says “use it or lose it.” The human body is a perfect regenerating system that requires daily movements in order that it may function at optimal and efficient levels. Failure to exercise consistently leads to a lethargic body that is prone to attract sedentary-type degenerative diseases. When you exercise you perspire which is a form of cleaning toxins and releasing endorphins. Endorphins are known as the “happy chemicals” that are released during exercise or other activities. As a result the more active you are the better you feel. Working out helps you to strengthen and stretch certain body parts which essentially enhances your body’s proper mechanical function or an extended period of time.


Environmental Health

Clean air, clean water and plants are necessary for the survival of all life forms on earth. We have taken the liberty to provide what we feel to be important environmental information that can help improve the quality of your particular environment. Remember that you are a product of your environment. If that environment is contaminated then so shall you be. Be aware of your surroundings and do your best to do your part.


Weight Management

The United States is currently number one in the world in obesity. This epidemic has spiraled far beyond out-of-control. The issue now affects children. The result of this trickling effect is the contraction of adult diseases during their childhood years. Wherever there is excess weight gain you can be certain that there will be a health issue attached to that weight gain. Refined foods, fried foods and snacks are all primary contributors to weight gain. Eating the right foods and avoiding the “artificial foods” will be the key to combating this issue. Managing your weight does not require that you become a vegan, but you need to select foods from a group of known micronutrient rich foods. There are no magic bullets.


Take Care of Your Mouth and Throat During Cancer Treatment

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Most people associate chemotherapy treatment with extreme nausea and loss of hair, but this kind of treatment can have serious dental and oral consequences, consequences which can be mitigated or avoided altogether by taking preventative steps. The following are common occurrences for a person having chemotherapy treatment.


Oral Effects of Chemo

  • Mouth sores and infections.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Bleeding of the gums and the inside of the mouth.
  • Pain, discomfort and soreness of the mouth.

There may be difficulty with eating and swallowing which can cause nutritional problems. The food will can taste different due to the effect of the treatment on the taste buds and tongue.


Oral Problem Prevention Before Chemo

Preventive measures can be taken before the onset of the cancer treatment. The oncologist will suggest a visit to a specialist dentist a few weeks before the chemotherapy begins. The dentist will expect the person to—

  • Have a thorough examination of mouth and gums.
  • Be given careful instructions on how to carry out oral hygiene while having the treatment.
  • Participate in any dental repairs deemed necessary by the dentist.
  • Cooperate in having a thorough dental cleaning by a dental hygienist.
  • Have a dental x-ray carried out. 


Oral Hygiene During Chemo

The person should carefully follow the instruction given by the dentist. Also, the oncologist in charge of the chemotherapy treatment may advise that –

  • A special mouth wash be used to prevent any mouth sores which could lead to infection, since chemotherapy treatment can affect the immune system of the aged person and lower its resistance to other infections.
  • The person avoid eating any food with sharp edges in order not to scratch or cut the gums.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and spicy or acidic foods should not be taken at all.


If the above instructions are followed, then the person can safely maintain his/her normal oral hygiene habits. This should include brushing and flossing twice each day with a soft toothbrush and avoiding mouthwashes which contain alcohol. Some specialists recommend sucking on ice chips and keeping the mouth moist at all times to counter dry mouth.

NY Times Op-Ed Agrees that Hospital Care is in Decline

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Oncologist, bioethicist, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress—and a key figure in the development of the Affordable Care Act—Ezekiel Emanuel recently wrote an op-ed in the New York Times that describes how the hospital has been in decline for decades and how this is more of a sign of medical progress than a lack of access to care. For those who are unfamiliar with our site, this is pretty much our raison d’etre, and it’s good to know that some of the most experienced professionals in the healthcare field agree with your central tenet.


Among the facts cited in the NY Times article:


At its peak, in 1981, there were “over 39 million hospitalizations — 171 admissions per 1,000 Americans. Thirty-five years later, the population has increased by 40 percent, but hospitalizations have decreased by more than 10 percent….the number of hospitals has declined to 5,534 this year from 6,933 in 1981.”

In 2002, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that there were 1.7 million cases of hospital-acquired infections that caused nearly 100,000 deaths….Studies have shown that patients with heart failure, pneumonia and some serious infections can be given intravenous antibiotics and other hospital-level treatments at home by visiting nurses. These ‘hospital at home’ programs usually lead to more rapid recoveries, at a lower cost.


Just to say it, neither we nor Emanuel are zealots or absolutists when it comes to hospitals. There is still an important place for hospital-based care including major surgeries, trauma care, and other types of acute and specialized medical care. But hospital settings also carry their own unique healthcare risks—namely healthcare-associated infections—that may outweigh the potential benefits. Likewise, you may be that infectious agent. Otherwise healthy adults should avoid the hospital when they have the flu lest they infect more vulnerable populations.