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Student Success
McGraw Hill Student Success offers instructors and students a rich selection of digital courseware, textbooks, and step-by-step support to accommodate your needs.
Student Success Products by Course
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Smarter Software. Bigger Breakthroughs.
McGraw Hill Connect® is a complete course platform. It connects your students to the real world to help them prepare for whatever comes next, while giving you unmatched customer support. -
Reflecting the Diverse World Around Us
Within McGraw Hill, we foster a culture of belonging, and we work with partners who share our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. -
Seamless LMS Integration
Seamlessly link your Learning Management System (including Blackboard, Canvas, D2L BrightSpace, Moodle, and others) to Connect, for single sign-on and gradebook synchronization.
Student Success Features
As a learning science company, we create interactive learning content that engages students and supports higher order thinking skills. Click on each tab below to learn how each Connect component helps students prepare for their future by driving a deeper level of understanding and application.
We Take Students Higher
The chart below shows a few of the key assignable, digital assets available for Connect Student Success aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy. Take your students higher by assigning a variety of application exercises, moving them from simple memorization to concept application.

Available within Connect, SmartBook personalizes learning to individual student needs, continually adapting to pinpoint knowledge gaps and focus learning on concepts requiring additional study. For instructors, SmartBook tracks student progress and provides insights that guide teaching strategies and advanced instruction, for a more dynamic class experience.

Video Animation Exercises
These engaging, brief videos review key topics via whiteboard or other animation. These videos are assignable with corresponding assessment questions to engage students and link concepts to application.

Application-Based Activities (Role-Play)
Bridge the gap between concept and application with 19 role-play Application-Based Activities that engage students and put them in a peer-to-peer consultative role. Students practice their critical thinking and problem solving skills as they help "a friend" work through a particular real-life challenge such as setting SMART goals, or building an effective resume. Each simulation is designed as a 10-15 minute experience, and includes motivational coaching from the virtual instructor as needed.

Application-Based Activities (Self-Assessments)
Students gain a better understanding of themselves in order to apply that knowledge to college, life, and career. Many include a reflective journal question, follow up assignment, and possible actions. Help students better understand themselves, their strengths, and how they can improve.
Application Exercises
These exercises encourage students to do self-reflection and consider their personal habits as they pertain to life and college. These are essay style and require manual grading.

Connect Reports
Save time and gain student insights. Connect provides customizable reports on student performance, learning outcomes, at-risk students, and integrates easily with LMS gradebooks.

Writing Assignment
Help students improve their conceptual understanding and written communication skills with McGraw Hill Connect’s Writing Assignments. Integrate writing skill development into your course with ease and help your students gain the critical writing skills they need for success now and beyond. Assign, monitor, mark, and provide feedback all in one place.
Connect for Student Success offers the Basic level Writing Assignment tool.

Featured Student Success Textbooks
Prepare – Organize – Work – Evaluate – Rethink = POWER
Hear from Dr. Robert Feldman, McGraw-Hill author and Deputy Chancellor UMass Amherst, on his research-based and proven student success approach