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Student Engagement
Let’s face it. Many students don’t come to class prepared. They’re busy balancing life, work, school, and their budget. They want to succeed, but when they do find time to study, they often rely on ineffective methods that limit their potential. What they are asking for is learning that is personalized, flexible, and affordable. They’re asking for learning that fits them.
Connect can help with that.

Engage in Real Time with Polling in Connect
Polling in Connect enables you to see and be where you’re needed most. Engage your students and help them connect with course content while gaining valuable insights during your lecture. You can leverage polling data to deliver personalized instruction when and where it’s needed most, at no additional cost. Now available in all Connect courses of the most recent edition.
See how polling engages students
Talk to your rep to learn more

Boost Student Confidence and Better Prepare them for Class
With Connect’s adaptive learning solution SmartBook, your students can pinpoint what they know and don’t know to create a learning experience that’s more productive and motivating.
ReadAnywhere App:
Give Students Learning
That Fits Their Life
Your textbook isn’t with your students 24/7 but their phones are. The ReadAnywhere app allows students to download their textbook, read chapters, take notes, and complete assignments – anytime, anywhere, even offline.

Flexible and Affordable Options:
Get Ultimate Flexibility
and Choose What Works Best
Print, digital or a combination or both. We offer a wide range of flexible, affordable options to not only help your students, but to offer you the freedom to choose.
If Connect is best for you, that’s great. If not, that’s great too. We have lots of course material formats to choose from. No matter what, we’re here to help you find what works best.
Application-Based Activities
Students Apply What They Learned to Real-World Scenarios
These highly interactive, automatically graded exercises provide students a safe space to practice using problem-solving skills to apply their knowledge to realistic scenarios. Each scenario addresses key concepts and skills that students must use to work through and solve course specific problems, resulting in improved critical thinking and relevant workplace skills.

Finally! Writing Assignments
that Won’t Take Weeks to Mark
Help students improve their conceptual understanding and written communication skills with Writing Assignment in McGraw Hill Connect. Integrate writing skill development into your course with ease and help your students gain the critical writing skills they need for success now and beyond. Assign, monitor, mark, and provide feedback all in one place.
Achieving the Dream
Every year, millions of full-time freshmen start their college experience in developmental classes. In 2018, 1 out of 3 students didn’t enroll for their second year*. We know these numbers bother you. They bother us, too. Connect, along with other McGraw Hill supporting tools, affordable options, and programs are here to help you and your students overcome the obstacles to success. Listen to Alejandra, a member of our Student Amabassador program, tell her story.

Give Students Value that Delivers Results
With Connect, your students get so much more than just a digital version of the text. Student get immediate access to a set of powerful learning tools that will bring them value all semester long, including:
- The award-winning adaptive reading and learning experience, SmartBook.
- The ReadAnywhere app that allows them to work offline and on the go.
- Practice quizzes and assignments to ensure they’re prepared.
- Comprehensive reporting tools to track their progress and knowledge gaps.
- A calendar to stay on top of assignments – your students will have everything they need for success all in one easy to use place.