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Grades 6–12

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¡Asi se dice! ©2024 gives students the tools they need to engage in a multicultural conversation that bridges oceans and borders. Here’s to exploring our world together.
Program Components

Student Edition , Link will open in a new window
Available in both print and interactive digital formats, the ¡Asi se dice! Student Edition leverages a wide range of lesson types to help students build interpretive, interpersonal, and multicultural communications skills with confidence.

Digital Components , Link will open in a new window
Teach your way with customizable, cutting-edge digital tools that prime students of all levels for content mastery and lasting retention.

Teacher Edition , Link will open in a new window
Featuring an intuitive lesson structure and clear instructional path, ¡Asi se dice! has relevant tools for every teacher—no matter your experience level—so you can plan ahead, personalize instruction, and prepare your classroom for success.