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Career & Technical
Education (CTE)
More than ever, our schools need career and technical education (CTE) that will help students transform their interests into viable careers. As college tuition soars higher each year and businesses struggle to fill openings with qualified applicants, it is crucial that we provide young people with the information they need to excel in meaningful vocations.

Legendary Teacher Support
Teacher resources support both inexperienced and seasoned teachers alike as they help students discover new possibilities and professions.- Up to two semesters’ worth of rich, engaging, and robust content (in both print and digital) with versatile delivery options provides flexibility.
- Included with most courses, SmartBook® empowers teachers to deliver personalized, adaptive learning tailored to each student’s individual needs.
- A large question and assessment bank in each course provides teachers with time saving pre-built assessments in each chapter.
- Updated, real-world content promotes engagement while building knowledge and confidence.
- Real-world questions and activities help students master soft skills and the applied math, graphics literacy, and reading comprehension skills assessed by certification exams like ACTWorkKeys and NOCTI and used everyday on the job.
Explore CTE Programs
Incorporate our cutting-edge CTE curriculum and resources into your classroom and give your students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their future careers.